This Studio Project 2 focuses on stimulating one of the five basic human senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) in a chosen environment (Beach, Garden, Park or Playground) to be applied on either a side table or a stool.

The ideology behind the "GEO." side table consists of
geometric shapes that encourage the Memphis art movement whereby the features include bright multi-coloured objects which are a rejection of conventional forms that may be of poor taste.
However, it can also be appreciated ironically or knowingly.

1) Able to remind the user of the time
they had as a kid in a playground
2) Allows the user to place items on the side table
3) Includes elements of a playground
4) Stimulates the user’s sense of sight
Design Criteria
Design Statement
To design a side table that allows the user to reminisce playing in the playground through the sense of “sight”.

Production Process
Here is a short clip of the story behind GEO.
It shows the various stages when designing a product such as the inspiration, thought process, 3D Modelling and 3D printing.
(Wear headphones/earpieces for optimal hearing)
Research Phase
Every Designer should know the immense amount of research that needs to
be done beforehand upon arriving the fabrication process of the final product.
Below is a compilation of the research done in chronological order before fabricating GEO. Phases from Observational Research to Data Analysis,
Form Exploration to Sketching & Rendering, and finally Iterative Prototyping.